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A very great vision is needed and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky. - Crazy Horse  


The Milagro World Center's Vision is the Miracle of Humanity's Potential Realized.


Our Mission is to provide education, events and community space dedicated to profound personal growth.


Our Focus is on the expanded capacities of the new human and new society, the experience of our shared humanity, compassionate stewardship and organizational development that advances consciousness toward solutions for a better future.


Our Programs provide tangible tools for you to rekindle purpose, build resiliency, and cultivate personal well-being all contributing to long-term societal well-being.


We Advocate the miracle of humanity's potential to create a world that works for all life.
















From Humanity's Potential Awakened to Humanity's Potential Realized.


Many great thinkers and masters inspire the Milagro World Center Vision including Wellesley Tudor Pole, a former Guardian, and Advocate of the Chalice Well and Peace Gardens. Here, an excerpt from The Chairman's Address that he wrote on Chalice Well Companions Day - 17th August 1968, so many years ago.


The Chairman's Address:



"We meet today in the middle of a year of deep significance, not only for the human race but for life in every form upon this planet"


"We have become far too prone to live our lives "asleep in matter", so completely preoccupied with mundane strains that the gift of vision and true perception has become obscured, and Truth knocks upon our door but receives no answer."


"Let us divert our minds for today from the chaos and turmoil in the outer world in order to renew serenity of the heart and soul; then from the citadel of inner peace, we will pray together with all the compassion at our command that our planet's agonies may be transformed by divine grace into an era of tranquility and understanding between all nations and all people. Unless "the Awakening" can achieve this end, it will have come in vain."


"In our personal lives there are moments when the winds of affliction seem in danger of overwhelming us. The light appears to be dim and far away. If at such times we stand rigid and fearful before the blast, we risk being blown over and cast down. On the other hand, if we bend before the storm and embrace it as a friend sent to test our courage and faith, then we can say thankfully to our seeming adversary: Teach me. Bless you for doing so - and now set me free. 


"God speed to our great adventure! We will go forward together with courage, faith and a sense of dedicated purpose. All is well."





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