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Cafe Ruiz





















Casa Ruiz and Cafe Ruiz - Nearly 100 years of coffee growing


The outdoor patio at Ruiz makes a good spot to sip a cappuccino or cuppa "Geisha" and watch the mist move across the mountains. It's the epicenter of Panama's famous coffee industry, so you can be sure that your brew has its origin in the surrounding hillsides.


As a small coffee producing country, Panama has many advantages that make its coffee so prestigious. The altitude, as well as the perfect balance of sun and humidity and the many microclimates, are ideal for the production of a wonderful variety of aromas. The Geisha coffee, grown in the mountains of Boquete, is sometimes referred to as the “champagne of coffees”, due to its refined character – and its cost.


Cafe Ruiz presents coffee products for the enjoyment and the appreciation of cup complexity. All these as the result of the location uniqueness - coupled together with coffee varieties potential - and the work of dedicated hands who process, roast and prepares coffees at its best.


Café Ruiz has earned an excellent reputation in the coffee world and is well known for quality, consistency and a willingness to test new grounds in processing and packaging. They are dedicated to crafting the most consistently flavorful coffee possible while maintaining a healthy natural environment for future generations


“We want to share the unique story about coffee’s incredible journey to your cup, and our effort to fulfill all the responsibilities that working with coffee demands.”


For nearly one hundred years the Ruiz family has been growing and processing some of the finest coffee in Panama. Today, brother and sister Maria and Plinio Ruiz run the family-owned operation in Boquete, Panama.  Like their predecessors, Maria and Plinio are dedicated to growing traditional coffee varieties in the cool, high altitude, a shade-growing environment of Boquete.


What was once a single-family farm in Boquete is now a coffee crafting enterprise, which not only grows coffee but processes, packages, and roasts some of the finest coffee in the world. Café Ruiz has earned an excellent reputation in the coffee world and is well known for quality, consistency and a willingness to test new grounds in processing and packaging.  They are dedicated to crafting the most consistently flavorful coffee possible while maintaining a healthy natural environment for future generations.




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